Workshops and Courses 2024

Notes: Changes may occur throughout the year.

March 2024

Intentional Creativity – A Playdate with your Muse – a journey in paint, exploring your Muse and quietening your critic. Materials required: journal, pens, personal altar item or item of inspiration, paint brushes. Material supplied: Canvas, large brushes and paint. Approx cost for one day course: $260

Homeopathic Basics – first aid at home (4 x 2 hour sessions over 4 weeks) Materials required: Journal and pen. Sense of humor. Printouts supplied. Approx cost: $80 (dependent on venue costs).

Writing to your Heart – A day of writing together to help us find our voices and tell our stories. Material required: journal, pens, item of personal importance. Approx cost $120 (dependent on venue costs).

April 2024

Wild Women Writing – lets stir the deepest cauldron, gather our old and new stories, rest in our relationships with our bodies, minds and souls. Look at what has formed us and write our truths. We will gather for 2 hours each week for 8 consecutive weeks and write together, sharing and supporting each story as it emerges. Materials required: Journal, pens, colouring pencils or other decorative items. Approx cost $220 (venue costs dependent).

Intentional Creativity – Four Seasons: Autumn – a journey in paint as we muse on what this season of amber leaves and cooler evenings brings to us. We will be exploring the season of our soul in conjunction with the turning of the seasons. How do we prepare for the harvest, for storing what is important for the dark months to follow. How do we link into the earths cycles and our own, what does that even mean? Materials required: journal, pens, personal altar item or item of inspiration, paint brushes. Material supplied: Canvas, large brushes and paint. Approx cost for one day course: $260

May 2024

Intentional Creativity – The Magic of your Muse – a journey in paint, dancing with your Muse, her colours, her words, her sparkle! That voice that says, “Let’s do it!” She who scatters silver stars in our eyes, lights up our daydreams and dances through our nights. Of course, often we cannot hear her because that other voice is there saying, “Oh hell no! Don’t go there! Don’t do this or that!” The voice that makes it hard sometimes to let ourselves shine. Two day workshop: approx cost $350 Materials required: journal, pens, personal altar item or item of inspiration, paint brushes. Material supplied: Canvas, large brushes and paint.

Wild Women Writing con’t.

June 2024

Ritual and Writing – enjoy the Winter Solstice with a fire and shared stories. We will journal our thoughts on this changing of season as we welcome the distant light back. Honouring the changes in season is as ancient as the human race. In this modern day we have lost touch with the rhythms that our ancestors lived by, lets sit together and ponder our relationship with the seasons, the earth and the heavens. Cost: dharna – a tradition of offering as much as you feel you have gained from the work you host has provided.

Homeopathic Basics – first aid at home (4 x 2 hour sessions over 4 weeks) Materials required: Journal and pen. Sense of humor. Printouts supplied. Approx cost: $80 (dependent on venue costs).

Intentional Creativity – Four Seasons: Winter – a journey in paint as we muse on what this season of low light and warm fires brings to us. We will be exploring the season of our soul in conjunction with the turning of the seasons. How do we prepare for the dark months, are we comfortable with the harvest getting us through? What stories have we been told of the cold and dark? How do we link into the earths cycles and our own, what does that even mean? Materials required: journal, pens, personal altar item or item of inspiration, paint brushes. Material supplied: Canvas, large brushes and paint. Approx cost for one day course: $260

July 2024

Workshop – Shielding, creating our shields our protection for ourselves, our hearts. Storying together how we protect and nourish ourselves and our loved ones. (Mixed media) This experience is about our history and our future. If we could choose a Coat of Arms, what would it look like? Does it show our soul self or our general self? how to we shield from the world? If we dream of entering far-off realms, carrying a sword and shield, what talisman do we need to decorate it it? Give it meaning? If we dream of shielding our souls from past happenings, what give it strength to keep out what we do not desire and allow only love to enter here? Material supplied, you may want to bring some items of significance to adorn your shield. Approx cost $260.

August 2024

Workshop – Table of the Heart – we will set our table and call our Beloveds, listen to their stories, paint their vision and write to them as we journal to our inner selves. Material required: visual arts diary, pens, colouring pencils and items to add to your story. Approx cost $150 (dependent of venue costs)

September 2024

Intentional Creativity – Four Seasons: Spring – a journey in paint as we muse on what this season of renewal and greening brings to us. We will be exploring the season of our soul in conjunction with the turning of the seasons. How do we prepare for the renewal, are the seeds ready to sow, the plots dug over, our hearts well tended in the dark months that we are not afraid of the light to come? What stories have we been told of recovering from the winter? How do we link into the earths cycles and our own, what does that even mean? Materials required: journal, pens, personal altar item or item of inspiration, paint brushes. Material supplied: Canvas, large brushes and paint. Approx cost for one day course: $260

Ritual and Writing – enjoy the Spring Equinox with a fire and shared circle of story and writing, exploring the returning of the light, the sprouting of new life.

Writing to Your Heart – A day of writing together to help us find our voices and tell our stories. Material required: journal, pens, item of personal importance. Approx cost $120 (dependent on venue costs).

October 2024

Wild Women Writing – lets stir the deepest cauldron, gather our old and new stories, rest in our relationships with our bodies, minds and souls. Look at what has formed us and write our truths. We will gather for 2 hours each week for 8 consecutive weeks and write together, sharing and supporting each story as it emerges. Materials required: Journal, pens, colouring pencils or other decorative items. Approx cost $220 (venue costs dependent).

Ritual and Writing – enjoy the Beltane fire as we celebrate the warmth slowly arriving promising the beginning of summer to come. We will journal our thoughts on this changing of season as we welcome the slightest warmth. Honouring the changes in season is as ancient as the human race. In this modern day we have lost touch with the rhythms that our ancestors lived by, lets sit together and ponder our relationship with the seasons, the earth and the heavens. Cost: dharna – a tradition of offering as much as you feel you have gained from the work you host has provided.

Intentional Creativity – Your Dragon Speaks – are you a dragon lover? What does your inner fire have to say? What does it look like? Lets paint together, story and listen deeply. Materials required: journal, pens, personal altar item or item of inspiration, paint brushes. Material supplied: Canvas, large brushes and paint. Approx cost for one day course: $260

November 2024

Intentional Creativity – Rattling the Bones – a Journey in paint, connecting with our past, calling the ancestors, listening deeply to the intuition they share with us. This is a two day experience of delving into meditation, breath, ritual and story. Materials required: journal, pens, personal altar item or item of inspiration, paint brushes. Material supplied: Canvas, large brushes and paint. Approx cost for two day course: $360

Wild Women Writing con’t.

December 2024

Ritual and Writing – enjoy the Summer Solstice, just before xmas as we gear up for the flurry of life with family and loved ones. We will write our dreams of the coming months, laugh, share and remind ourselves of the wonder of the past year. We will journal our thoughts on this changing of season as we welcome the heat. Honouring the changes in season is as ancient as the human race. In this modern day we have lost touch with the rhythms that our ancestors lived by, lets sit together and ponder our relationship with the seasons, the earth and the heavens. Cost: dharna – a tradition of offering as much as you feel you have gained from the work you host has provided.

Intentional Creativity – Four Seasons: Summer – a journey in paint as we muse on what this season of warmth, Pohutukawa blossom and holidays brings to us. Materials required: journal, pens, personal altar item or item of inspiration, paint brushes. Material supplied: Canvas, large brushes and paint. Approx cost for one day course: $260